First Quarter of 2016
The First quarter of 2016 have been great, we have now done more Divemasters then ever before during this time period and we are still going strong.
First to be finished PADI Divemasters where Matilda and Sandra both from Sweden who stayed with us for a couple of months. Sandra started her PADI Divemaster course at the same time her boyfriend Mattias did his IDC with us in december and we all know how that went with 3 new PADI Instructor before the year was finished.
Second up was no other then Carole who came all the way from Switzerland to dive with us and to become a PADI Divemaster.

After their course they all went different way, Matilda went on to Australia and Sandra when back to Sweden while Carole traveld to Egypt and then back home to Switzerland.
For now we are stuck with no less then 4 Divemaster in training, Eric from USA, Jimmy from Sweden, Nils from France and Valentine who is also from France. They are all in different stages of the course as we speak, Valentine have just done her Theory exams and she did great with scores over 90% on both! Tomorrow we have equipment exchange on the schedule wich is always loads of fun at least for us Instructors.

Eric just went back to Study in Taiwan but will be back in May to finish his course as he have done the theory online and most of the stamina he done with great scores.
As we speak they are getting a bit nervous for their equipment exchange tomorrow and are asking all instructors different questions on how this will be done. So far everyone are keeping it secret to build up their excitement, Well lets see how it goes tomorrow!