PADI Instructor Examination
It was time for the PADI Instructor Examination (IE), so our IDC Candidates together with Johan and Camille went down to Dumaguete.
Day one went like we expected with everyone passing the Confined water presentation this morning. Second topic after that was the Knowledge Development presentation and finally the theoretical exams – General Standards and Procedures followed by 5 theoretical exams consisting of Physics, Physiology, RDP, Equipment and Skills and Environment. Our candidates Jesper (Sweden), Marc (Germany) and finally but definitely not least Irish (Philippines) all passed today with flying colors and I’m sure they will do the same tomorrow again when its time for their final Open Water presentations.

Want to know more about becoming a PADI Open Water Scuba Instructor? Send us a message and you can be the one who sits here next time in March when our next PADI IDC ( Instructor Development Course ) will start with our Platinum PADI Course Director Camille Lemmens.